Rumored Buzz on metafora

Las de complemento posicional, o en las que el tenor se encuentra inmediatamente unido al vehículo como en "alegría de primavera", "blanco de nubes" o "brillo de sol". 

Други писатели ги користат општите термини и фигурата за означување на тенорот и возилото. Когнитивната лингвистика ги користи термините цели и извор, соодветно.

Vsaka taka implicitna trditev se mora preurediti, tako da ustreza glavnemu predmetu; volčji sistem implikacij vodi bralca, da izgradi ustrezen sitem implikacij o glavnem predmetu. Implikacije o človeku so po Blacku določene z implikacijami, ki se vežejo na dobesedno rabo besede volk. Metafora volka tako poudarja ene in izloča druge lastnosti ter organizira naš pogled na človeka. Metafora po Blacku povzroči spremembe tudi v stranskem predmetu, v metafori ČLOVEK JE VOLK naj bi postal volk bolj čenjoyški kot sicer.

Razvila se je v prvi polovici 20. stoletja, za njenega začetnika pa je razglašen I. A. Richards, ki je v svoji razpravi Metaphor (1936) uvedel novo razumevanje metafore in prelomil z retoričnim pojmovanjem metafore, saj metafore ne pojmuje več kot jezikovni odklon ali okras, temveč kot ubeseditev dveh idej, ki delujeta istočasno. O metafori lahko po Richardsu govorimo tedaj, ko »imamo dve misli o različnih stvareh, ki delujeta hkrati in se naslanjata na eno besedo ali izraz, smisel pa je rezultat njunega medsebojnega učinkovanja« . Za člena metafore je predlagal izraza tenor in car or truck. Metafora je postavljena v predikacijo in obravnavana v kontekstu; tako je postala nekakšna mala zgodba za izražanje misli, čustev in domišljije.

Citar la fuente primary de donde tomamos información sirve para dar crédito a los autores correspondientes y evitar incurrir en plagio. Además, permite a los lectores acceder a las fuentes originales utilizadas en un texto para verificar o ampliar información en caso de que lo necesiten.

Al leer estas satisfiedáforas, el receptor debe trabajar menos en la tarea de recuperación del sentido porque el elemento genuine referido está presente en el contexto y orienta la interpretación. Por ejemplo:

Right here’s a tip: If you find yourself coming up with your own personal metaphor, stick to principles that men and women are aware of but wouldn’t always associate with somebody.

A mixed metaphor is a metaphor that leaps from a person identification to a 2nd inconsistent with the initial, e.g.:

Some theorists have suggested that metaphors aren't just stylistic, but that they're cognitively significant likewise. In Metaphors We Dwell By, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson argue that metaphors are pervasive in everyday life, not simply in language, but also in imagined and action. A common definition of metaphor is often described as a comparison that demonstrates how two things that are not alike in the majority of ways are very similar in another critical way. They explain how a metaphor is actually understanding and enduring one type of issue when it comes to A different, referred to as a "conduit metaphor".

. A metaphor is a determine of speech during which a word or phrase denoting one particular type of item or action is used rather than An additional to advise a likeness or analogy between them: the person remaining tackled in "you are a peach" is being equated by using a peach, with the suggestion remaining that the person is pleasing or delightful in just how that a peach is pleasing and delightful.

A blended metaphor is frequently two metaphors sloppily mashed jointly as in, "the ball is while in the courtroom of community impression," which joins "the ball is with your courtroom" to "the court docket of community impression." A combined metaphor can also be utilized with excellent usefulness, nonetheless, as in Hamlet's speech:

Metaphor can serve as a tool for persuading an audience of your user's argument or thesis, the so-identified as rhetorical metaphor.

“El océano de tus ojos”: En este caso se establece una similitud entre la profundidad y el coloration azul del océano con lo profundo de la mirada y el shade azul de los ojos.

A number of other philosophers have embraced the look at that metaphors could also be referred to as samples of a linguistic "category blunder" that have the opportunity of top unsuspecting end users into considerable obfuscation of believed inside the realm of epistemology. Involved among them may be the Australian philosopher Colin Murray Turbayne.[38] In his e book "The parable of Metaphor", Turbayne argues that the use of metaphor is An important part within the context of any language program which statements to embody richness and metafora depth of being familiar with.[39] Additionally, he clarifies the constraints connected to a literal interpretation of your mechanistic Cartesian and Newtonian depictions from the universe as minor more than a "device" – an idea which continues to underlie Significantly with the scientific materialism which prevails in the trendy Western world.

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